The Cocktail Dress and Why You Need One

According to Wikipedia, the cocktail dress is suitable for semi-formal occasions, such as cocktail parties. These dresses were often worn in the afternoon rather than the evening. These days they can be worn both during the day and in the evening.
The cocktail dress has been around since early in the 1900s. The name cocktail dress came from fashion designer Christian Dior; he gave the garment this name in the 1940s. Since then, designers, fashion magazines, and consumers have continued to make the cocktail dress a closet staple. Another way to think of the cocktail dress is a party dress; it’s not something that you would wear to work or to a somber occasion.
Cocktails were invented in the 1800s, and women drank them, but not in public. In the early 1900s, it was more acceptable to drink cocktails, so women felt comfortable wearing a dress named after these drinks. Before the 1900s, women would have never worn a dress named after these drinks.

Over the years, the cocktail dress has undergone many transformations. Early styles of this dress were short, like flapper dresses; they were worn with a fashion hat and gloves. These days we have the bandage cocktail dress. Each decade had its own style of the cocktail dress. The dresses seem to change along with the trending styles of the time.
During prohibition, you would expect the cocktail dress to cease. However, the opposite happened. While cocktails were against the law, the cocktail dress was in demand. Before prohibition, many wealthy citizens stocked up on alcohol, illegal speakeasies opened up to serve alcoholic drinks, and bootleggers made and sold alcohol. Citizens began having gatherings in their homes, rather than going to the bar. Cocktail dresses were the perfect attire for these gatherings.
The 1950s saw the popularity of this dress explode. Cocktail parties were all the rage, and for many, were weekly occurrences. Friends enjoyed getting together at different houses for these parties. It was customary to dress up during the 1950s, making this style the perfect dress for the times.

Before Christian Dior gave this style of dress its current name, it was known by several others. The Patou dress, the late afternoon frock, The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar, and Vogue are just a few of the magazines and newspapers that spoke of this modern dress. Though the name was different, it was still the cocktail dress.
Every woman’s closet should have at least one cocktail dress. They are perfect for those gatherings where you don’t want to be casual, yet you don’t want to wear an evening gown. The cocktail dress is much more comfortable than a long gown. These dresses are fun, flirty, and sexy. You’ll find many hot Miami dresses online, so you’re sure to find the perfect one for you.
One important thing about the cocktail dress is that part of its charm is the accessories. While you may not want to wear the gloves and hat of the past, be sure to add jewelry to your outfit.