No doubt, 9anime is the most favourite site to watch anime all over the world. Anime lovers are crazy about it and want to browse more and more videos and series on 9anime. Sometimes they can’t access their regular device to run the 9anime site, and they eagerly start looking for other ways. The reason is its wide range of anime movies and series of all the categories and for all the age groups. The second reason is that anyone can download any video from here easily.
It seems like you are one of them, don’t worry, you have landed in the right place. Here we are going to discuss the different ways to stream 9anime. Smartphone users can download the 9anime App. For the full process, keep reading this article and get to know other ways as well.
PC and Laptops
Pc and laptops are the most common devices for browsing. One can run the 9anime website on their pc or laptops easily with a secure VPN. as it is really crucial to register with a secure VPN while browsing 9anime. It is because it isn’t a legal website, and whatever you are browsing, your internet service provider knows everything. Don’t worry; there is not a single legal risk for the visitors. But we always recommend registering on IPVANISH VPN while browsing anime on the internet. When you have registered on a secure VPN, you just have to go to your default browser and enter Press enter, and you have arrived in the world of anime.
Smartphone and Tablet
If you are a smartphone user, then you have two different ways to watch 9anime videos. Firstly, you can simply download the 9anime App and start streaming anime on this wonderful platform. Secondly, you can also run the 9anime site on your browser. The process of running its site is similar to laptops and personal computers. Either you have an Android or IOS smartphone, both ways are available for you. But do not forget to register with a secure VPN.
Android/Firestick TV
The third most common way to stream 9anime movies and series is through firestick/android TV. The process of streaming 9anime on television is a bit difficult, but not too much. Firstly you have to register on IPVANISH VPN on your Android TV. After that, you need to download the silk browser and then simply enter the URL in the search bar and click on the go; that’s it. You have entered the world of anime.
FAQ Section
- Can we stream 9anime videos in the US?
Yes, in most cities of the US, the judiciary didn’t care too much about copyright. Well, it isn’t a crime to browse anything and intend any website in the whole world. But as we knew that, 9anime doesn’t have the owner’s permission to upload and stream their videos on its platform. So the risk is all upon 9anime, visitors didn’t have any legal risk. But on the other hand, we would also suggest double-checking that it is legal or not in your current location.
- Why is 9anime the most popular website to watch anime?
The exact answer you will get after entering into the world of 9anime. Hence, there are lots of reasons behind its popularity. First of all, it consists of a wide range of anime series and movies of all the categories, including horror, comedy, kids, action, thriller and drama. Most videos are available in 4K HD video quality, while some latest series and movies are uploaded in SD format. The third reason is that one can easily download any video available on 9anime.
Here are the most common ways to enjoy 9anime videos. If you are a smartphone user, then we recommend downloading the 9anime App, as it is better than streaming anime through its website.