RecentNigeriastarNews today, 5October 2020
Good day, here’sthemost up-to-dateNigeriafamousNewstoday , Friday, October 5th,2020. It’s been put togetherby oureditorial teamfor you!
Below are themost recentandthe most recentNigeriaCelebrityNews5 October,2020. The news was reported
BBNaija Nengi condemns SARS brutality
The Big Brother Naija show star Rebecca Nengi Hampson has spokenout about the acts of theSpecial Anti-Robbery Squad which includesextortion and Killing of innocentyoungsters.
SARSisblamed for murder, extortion, robbingand blackmailinginnocent Nigeriancitizens from various partsofthe country
Lil Frosh allegedly abuses girlfriend Gift Camille
Davido’ssigning partnerLil Frosh has just been accused of beatingtheir girlfriendGift Camille on several occasions.Naija celebrity news
This claim was madebyGift’s manager , identifiedasMayoks Michael via hisInstagram pageand accordingtohim, the matterhas been goingon for overa year now.
Davido and hiscrew deniedaccess tothe club’s popularGhanaian club
Nigerianhit makerDavido andhis crewwere denied entry intothe most popular clubin Ghanaby nameBloombar.
The27 year old singerwasseen in a videorecorded by buzzgh athigh in his voiceand threatened to buythewholeclub
Ericashares important requirement forgetting intoBbnaija house
Bbnaija2020’s disqualified housemate hasplenty of adviceto anyone who wants to get intothe Bbnaija house,one ofwhich is to visitan acupuncturist prior to enteringthe house
Ericasaid this duringan interviewonTVC after admittingthe fact that being emotionalis what causedherexclusion.
Runtownwill be leading protests onOctober 8
In the wake of the outrage on social mediaover the recent activities bythe Federal Sars which includes extortionand the killing of innocent youngsters
Nigerian singer Runtownhas agreed to lead#Endsars to protest against police brutalityand harassment onthe 8th of October.
StoppingSARSis not the issueSaysNaira Marley
Nigerianpopular singerNaira Marley has reactedto increase in police brutalitywithinNigeria after NigeriansdemandedendingSARS.
The President ofmarlians,as he stated inan Instagram livevideo posted on SundayOctober 4,has declaredhis fullforending the Special Anti-Robbery Squad.
Layconconfesses he was avictime ofSARS brutality, and shareshisexperience(video)
ABig Brother Naija Reality showlockdownwinnerLayconhas shared his experienceand theSpecial Anti-Robbery Squad following amove to stop the force.
According toCity People, he saidthat he received a slapfollowing the signing ofHis record company.
WizkiddismissesBuhari as hehopes forTrumpa speedyrecovery
In the End SARS protest,Wizkidis adamant aboutBuharias the president wishesDonald Trump speedy recovery from the Corona virusamidtheprotest to end SARS
Chacha EkeFaani announces breakupfrom husband
Nollywood actress ChachaEke-Faani has announced that she is splittingfrom husbandAustin Faani.Sheshared the news viaa long deleted video onherInstagram page.
Mother of 3didn’t provide any detailsas to why her marriage that lastedapproximately seven years could havebeen dissolved.
Finalist of BBNaijaDorathy Bachor discharged from hospital
The Big Brother Naija Finalist Dorathy Bachorhas been dischargedfrom the hospital,after overcomingsome health issuesthe day before.
The news yesterday reported thatBig Brother Naija’sBig Brother Naija reality show Finalist wastakento the Hospitalfollowing a health Challengewhich was not divulged
1.ActressEsther Nwachukwu calls out Jnr Pope:
ANigerian actress whobecame famousbefore for tattooing married actorJnr Pope’sinitials on her body, recentlytook to social media to criticize him.Latest Naija newsShe said they slepttogether andmocked his bedabilities.Nwachukwu then notedthat Popedemanded that shemake his image on her bodyandit was planned work.
2. Gedoni warns Kemi Olunloyo:
A fewinternet users were unhappywith Gedoniafter he warnedcontroversial journalist,Kemi Olunloyo, to notclaim his child was his grandson. Accordingto him, she willnever be his child’s grandmother
3. Annie Idibia and 2baba’s relationshipstruggles:
One of Nigeria’sfavecouples of the spotlight, Annie Idibia and 2baba’srelationship issues recently came intosurface afterthe actresstook toan rant on herInstagram page.She claimed that her husband’s relativesdidn’t like her and2babawas under thesameroof as his newbornmama. Sheeven removedthe name of her husband from herInstagram profile, only to putit back. Annie’soutburst resulted in2baba’solder brother namingthe actress and even declaringthat hermotherwas involved in’juju’.Breaking newsThe scene remained quiet for atime, until a messagecame out ofAnniethreat to throw everything awayand informing the public that2babatook a trip out ofthe country tomeetone of hismamas’ babies,Pero.However, the couple has sinceagreed to settle their differencesandthis was made apparentwhen 2baba celebrated his birthday.Find out more about
4. Nedu and ex-wife Uzoamaka:
Not long afterAnnie Idibia called out 2baba famous media personalityher ex-wife and co-star,Uzoamaka took to calling him outonline and claimed hewas violentintheir marriage.Then, not stopping there, shealsoclaimed that he was a child-abandoned father. Jamil’sexpenses for school: Tiwa Savage ‘grumbles’ as Davidodemands she spendmillions on jewelleries invideo . It led tothe possibility of a can of worm becomingshared with Nedu’s close friendsand associates who cameto hisdefence.Later, it was discoveredthe fact thatUzoamaka was theone who was the most violentin the marriage . She also claimed thatshewas the mother ofthe first child withherhusband’s sister butdid not letNedu believethat thechild washers.A DNA test revealedherdeceit.Yet, rather than backingup, Uzoamaka continued to grant interviewsand evenadmitted tohaving been violentand inflating her child’s paternity.The law eventually intervenedandshe was warned not to engage infromattacking her ex-husband
5. Iyabo Ojo and Funke Akindele:
The topNollywood actress Iyaboojo has criticizedhercolleague, Funke Akindele, afteran online rant aboutToyin Abraham’sfilmGhost and The Tout Tooand advised viewers to watchFunke’sOmo Ghetto 2 instead. Iyabo Ojowas of the opinionof the fact thatFunke Akindele sponsored the namesaying and thatit has always been herway of doing things becausesheknew her for years.