
Beginner’s guide for a day trip to Petra from Eilat

Petra is a small town in Jordan that is famous for its historical sites and the ancient city of Petra.

Petra is a small town in Jordan that is famous for its historical sites and the ancient city of Petra. The site was named one of the Seven Wonders of the World by UNESCO, which established it as an international tourist destination. The city was built from around 312 BC to the 1st century AD and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city was built from around 312 BC to the 1st century AD and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Petra is a famous Place these Days

Petra is a city in southern Jordan, and its history dates back to the 3rd century BC. It was once the capital of a powerful and knowledgeable Nabataean kingdom.

As you probably know by now, Petra is an ancient city with a rich history and culture. The site was named after the Greek word “Petra” which means rock or stone. The site itself was built on top of a mountain, and it is surrounded by sheer cliffs of sandstone, creating an extraordinary sense of isolation from other civilizations.

The Nabataeans were a nomadic tribe that lived in this area around 1000 BC. They were attracted to Petra because it had lots of safe water sources and fertile soil for growing crops.

In modern times, Petra has been described as one of the most beautiful places on earth, and it has been featured in many Hollywood movies such as Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade and Star Wars: Episode I-III and in music videos for Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean,” Kylie Minogue’s “Can’t Get You Out of My Head,” and Madonna’s “Vogue.

How to get to Petra from Israel

So, Once we’ve made you realize it’s no place to miss your visit, here is how you can easily get to see that phenomenal.

Petra tour from Eilat

Petra is located in the southern part of Jordan. It can be reached by car, bus, or taxi but mostly by a 1-day tour from Eilat to Petra which gets you to see the most important site there.
Getting Around: Petra has many different sites to visit. The whole site can be explored on foot, but some areas are more difficult to reach on foot than others and may require a short taxi ride or a hike up a steep hill.

Biblical Sites: Wadi Musa and Wadi Rum: In Wadi Musa, water was collected from the top of Mount Hor and then used to irrigate the gardens around Petra for thousands of years. In Wadi Rum, there is a small site called Qasr el-Ward where pottery was found from the Neolithic Period with markings that suggest it was made in a sun temple. -Surface Temple Site.

Walking through the Siq and Seeing the Treasury

The Siq in Petra

The Siq is a narrow gorge that leads to Petra. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Jordan. The Siq starts from the east and ends at Petra’s Treasury. The Treasury is a beautiful building carved into the rock and it can be seen from the Siq.
One of the highest attractions of that tour is the moment you get to see the treasury from the siq.
It’s a memorable moment as it always surprises anyone.

There are two entrances to the Siq, one on the east side and one on the west side. The eastern entrance is easier to access for tourists who are coming from Eilat, but it has less shade and water sources than its western counterpart.

A day tour (or 2 if you wish to see Wadi Rum too) to petra is absolutely an unforgettable experience.
If you are in the area; In Israel – Eilat or in Jordan, do yourself a favor and do not miss that chance to go back in time by visiting this magnificent place.

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