Carolyn King Arnold: Dallas Crime Boss

The Crime Boss for December 2021 is Carolyn King Arnold, Council Member for District 4. The district’s Crime Score went from 208 in November 2020 to 238 in November 2021, an increase of 14 percent .
At The Dallas Express, The People’s Paper, we think that you should have quick access to critical information, including crime statistics and trends around the city. That is why every month, the Carolyn King Arnold Dallas City Council Member with the biggest percentage rise (or least decline) in their district’s crime is crowned the Dallas “Crime Boss of the Month.”
Arnold has been District 4’s council member since December of 2018. She was most recently reelected in June of 2021, and her current term ends in 2023.
The most notable surge in District 4’s crime, like last month’s District 11, was motor vehicle theft. The number of thefts jumped from 79 in November 2020 to 128 in November 2021.
Additionally, District 4 showed rise in destruction, damage, and vandalism of property, with 11 additional incidences during November. A similar spike happened in burglary and breaking, with 10 extra cases this year as contrasted to previous.
District 4 ranks tenth of fourteen districts in population. The region is home to 89,903 individuals, about 17,000 less than Dallas’ most populated, District 14. Yet the more densely populated region witnessed a fall in crime of 2 percent , while the crime in Arnold’s district soared by 14 percent .
To compare districts with a more similar population size, our Crime Boss’ District 4 witnessed a 3 percent larger increase in Crime Score than the next largest zone, District 13, which has 91,161 individuals, however saw a spike of just 11 percent .
District 4 was one of just three districts whose crime was stronger in November 2021 than in November 2020. Both of the other districts whose Crime Scores for November climbed (District 13 with 11 percent and District 11 with 10 percent ) are more densely inhabited. Yet, District 4’s gain is 3 and 4 percentage points more than any of these locations, respectively.
In September 2020, Council Member Arnold voted “no” on an amendment that would have authorised the Dallas Police Department to employ extra officers.
This has not been the first time Carolyn King Arnold Dallas has seen an upsurge in crime in her district. In November 2020, she published a statement after a major spike in crime in District 4.
She stated in a statement, “I am concerned about the spike of violence in District 4 over the past week, and I am asking that we all work together to stabilise our community and city.”
She proceeded by noting, “As a member of the Public Safety Council Committee, the safety of District 4 citizens is my major focus.”
The Dallas Express reached out to Councilwoman Aronald to ask about the spike in crime in her area and how she intended to fight crime in the future. She did not respond to our request for comment at the time of posting.
It is unknown if she has taken any effort to seek to curb crime in her area after her November 2020 comment.
During a January 2021 City Council meeting, our Crime Boss said, “[We have to] wean people off … their addiction to phoning the cops every time something comes up.”