9 Packing Tips for House Removals Bromley You Need to Know

House Removals Bromley is not just about to find a new place that fits your needs. If you think that the moving process is smooth and simple, then you are living in a fantasy world. That is why in this article we have come up with a list of best packing tips. They are simple to follow and can make your move a successful one.
Tip #1 Colour-coding your moving packing boxes
We don’t realise it, but colour coding can make your life simple. Get some different coloured sticky notes or markers and then colour-code each box by room. For example, you can set a blue colour for all your kitchen items and redone for bedrooms. Also, have a reference sheet develop for yourself. It will make your packing and unpacking process easy. On the other hand, you can just use a colour marker and label each box.
Tip #2 Wrap parts together
Another important thing that you need to do is to keep all parts together. You certainly don’t like to get confused in searching for things and finding that you have lost a few things along the way.
Use small size plastic bags to keep all small screws and other parts together when dismantling the furniture and seal it. After securely tape the bag to the specific furniture it was from.
Tip #3 Protect your breakables
Of course, you won’t like your valuable to get broken during house removals bromley. What you can do in this regard is use extra clothing or linen and wrap glasses and mugs. Use socks and t-shirts to wrap larger breakable items. It keeps all the items in one piece, but it also helps move the items to another place in one piece. Also, it does not consume extra space. If you want, you can even use extra towels or bedding.
Tip #4 Secure your cartons
To ship your valuables safely, you need to make sure your cartons are sturdy. Professional packers suggest using sealing the bottom of the box with tape. You can even use bubble wraps or scrunch up newspaper to fill in all the extra space and give extra protection.

Tip #5 Pack smartly
In this, you need to pad the corners of the box before you seal them and write fragile items. Next, you need to put heaviest things at the bottom and lighter ones on the top. Avoid putting heavier items on the top of fragile ones; you are calling for a disaster to happen. Also, don’t overfill the box when packing books or documents and place them in a flat position to don’t bend. These points are the perfect recipe for packing smartly.
Tip#6 Move your closet in one go
If you are stressing about moving your closet, don’t worry. What you can do is purchase a couple of portable wardrobe cartons and put all your hanging items directly into it. When you reach a new place, take them out and hang them in your closet. It keeps your clothes fresh and ready to wear.
Tip #7 Take photos
This tip is best for electronic items. All electronic items usually have all cords and plugs that are difficult to put back together. It just like puzzle pieces. To help in this regard, take photos before you unplug anything.
Tip #8 Make a priority carton
Another solution is to mark the cartons with priority items. These can be in the way like:
1. Non-perishable foods
2. Clothing
3. Toothbrush, toothpaste and personal items
4. Mobile and laptop chargers
This, in turn, will make it easier for you to find the important items.
Tip #9 Hire a removalist
Lastly, if you don’t have time to pack yourself, then consider hiring a removalist. Not only they will pack everything properly and securely and make sure they reach your place in one condition.
Contact Home 2 Home Movers for specialists assistance.
Source : https://www.home2homemovers.co.uk/house-removals-bromley/