How Science is Revolutionizing the World of Dog Training
How Science is Revolutionizing the World of Dog Training

When you have brought your new puppy home, you’ll want to start training as soon as you can. But where should you start? What is the best method to teach a puppy? And how do you teach an adult dog?
There are plenty of options to learn how to train your new pet. If you decide to train your puppy dog on your own, enroll in classes, or even hire a private trainer, you can implement the following basic training tips as soon as you can to make the process easier.
Top 10 Dog Training Tips
These top 10 tips from expert dog trainers will get you and your dog’s new dog on the right track.
Tip 1: Choose Your Dog’s Name Wisely
One of the most enjoyable aspects of bringing home a new puppy or dog is choosing the perfect name for them. But did you know that some names are best for training? It is helpful to think about names that are short and end with a strong consonant that can be heard by the puppy in all of its clarity. A strong end, such as for example in names like “Jasper,” “Jack” and “Ginger,” perks up puppy ears — especially when you focus on the beginning.
If your pet has a dog that is older they’re probably used to their name up to this point. However, changing it’s not out of the question. And if your new pal is emerging from an abusive circumstance, a name change might be an indication of a fresh beginning. Dogs are extremely adept at adapting. Should you opt to give their name a change make sure you use it regularly and, eventually, your dog will react to it.
Whatever your name is, make sure to think of it as good, fun memories as much as you can as opposed to negative ones. Ideally, your pet should think of their name in the same manner as they imagine other things they enjoy like walks or dinnertime.
Tip 2: Decide on the House Rules
Before your furry friend is allowed to come home, determine the things they’re allowed and don’t do. Can they sit to be on the bed, or on the furniture? Are certain areas of the house out of bounds? Will they have their own chair at your dining table? If you decide the rules in the early stages, you will avoid confusion for both of you.
Tip 3: Set Up a Private Den
Just like humans, dogs require the privacy of their space. From the beginning provide your dog with their own space to sleep in for sleeping, like a crate. Your dog will be able to benefit from small periods of time in the comfort and safety of their space. It can also be a valuable tool to train your dog in housekeeping. dog training chiang mai It is important to encourage your dog or puppy for being calm and calm in their den.
Tip 4: Help Your Dog Relax
When your puppy gets at home, provide them with a warm hot-water bottle and place a clock that ticks near their bed. This mimics the heat and heartbeat of litter mates and helps your puppy feel comfortable to be comfortable in their new surroundings.
This tip may be even more crucial for a brand new dog who was previously the midst of a noisy, loud and busy shelter in particular if they’ve had some difficulties in the beginning of their life. Anything you can do to help your new dog feel at ease with their new home will be good for and both.
Tip 5: Reward Good Behavior
Encourage your dog’s good behavior by giving them positive reinforcement. Make use of toys, love plus lots of rewards– and don’t forget the treats, like treats. Inform them when they’re doing things right. Similar to that, do not reward bad behavior, as it’ll only confuse them.
Tip 6: Teach Your Pup to Come When Called
Come, Jasper! Jasper is a good boy!
The very first command you can teach your pet is to be able to come. Set them at a level and inform your dog to come with their name. When they do, get enthusiastic and apply plenty of positive reinforcement. Next time, try the “come” command in the event that they’re distracted by food or a toy. As your puppy grows older, you’ll discover the benefits of perfecting this command.
Tip 7: Train on “Dog Time”
Dogs and puppies live in the present moment. when they’ve done something, they’ve completely forgotten about the incident. Therefore, if your dog does something wrong you should use the appropriate method of training immediately so that they have the chance to make the association between the behavior and the corrective. Consistent repetition will reinforce what they’ve learned.
Tip 8: Discourage Jumping Right Away
Puppies love to jump up to greet others and some of the adult dogs have developed bad habits. If your dog or puppy does something to a person and then reprimands them, just look away from the situation, avoid them and wait until they calm down before offering positive reinforcement. Do not encourage jumping behavior by patting or praising your dog when they’re “jumping to the side” position.
Tip 9: Say No to Biting and Nipping
Instead of yelling at your pet’s new owner, a great way to dissuade your canine from chewing is to make it appear like you’re in a lot of pain whenever they bite you or scratch you . A firm shout that is loud and loud should be effective. Dogs are usually so stunned that they stop immediately.
If you’re not able to get your child to respond verbally You can try swapping your chew toy with your hand or pant leg. This method of swapping can work when a puppy discovers the joy of chewing the shoes you love. They tend to prefer the toy or bone. If nothing else works you can stop biting and respond by ignoring them.
Tip 10: End Training Sessions on a Positive Note
Your puppy or dog has done their best to please you throughout their training. You can reward them with plenty of praise, treats, some petting or five minutes of fun. It’s almost certain that they’ll be at the next training or class with a grin on their face and eager to get going!
Bonus tip: When it is time for you to get your pup old enough think about having them neutered or spayed. It’s the same for if you adopt the dog. A neutered or spayed dog might be more docile, less aggressive and more open to training success.