Infosys 2020,2021 Batch Freshers Off Campus Recruitment
Infosys 2020,2021 Batch Freshers Off Campus Recruitment

Infosys is looking to hire to fill the OE (Operating Executive role) along with the SE ( Systems Engineer ) role. Infosys will be hiring to fill this role for 5 months and once it again during December Infosys employs.
If you were shortlisted for the previous recruitment then you can reach me through email for your further selection procedure.
If you’re not shortlisted then you can apply again for this particular job. However, Infosys said that you cannot apply for the same recruitment twice in the space of six months. You may try, if you received a test message, this is a good option for you.
What is the latest date of application Infosys on-campus drives?
If you are discussing the deadline for applying for Infosys off-campus drives, this is the
infosys off campus drive 2021 same date for all the posts mentioned. That is 17 January.
After that, you’ll receive an email about your online test . If you’re selected for that test . You will then receive an email with an interview.
Eligibility of Infosys Off Campus Drive 2022
For System Engineer Role :
Candidates should be graduated (BE Btech, BE) in the year 2019,2020 2021 or 2019.
Candidates should not have an active backlog.
Candidates should be ready for relocation.
The applicant must be 18 years old or Over.
For Operation Executive Role :
Candidates should be passed at least the Diploma in Engineering (CS/IT, ECE, EE, EEE) within the year 2019, 2020 and 2021.
Candidates should not have currently active backlog.
Candidates should be ready to Relocation.
The applicant must be 18 years older or More.
How To Apply For Infosys Off Campus Drive 2022
To apply for Infosys Off Campus Drive 2022 You must fill in all the required details accenture off campus on the survey form that is provided below.
Candidate Name
Candidate Email Address
Candidate Phone Number
Candidate Address
Date of Birth
College Roll Number
Educational Details:
Xth: CGPA, Name of Board, School Name, Year of Passing, State, Country
XIIth: CGPA, Name of Board, School Name, Year of Passing, State, Country
Diploma (if necessary): CGPA, Specialization/Branche, Institute Name the Name of the University, Year of Certificate, State, and Country
Graduation: CGPA, Specialization/ Branch, Institute Name, University Name, Year of Passing, State, Country
Post-Graduation (if relevant): CGPA, SpecializationBranch/Specialization Name, Institute Name, University Name the year of graduation, State, Country.