J&T Express Guide to Shipping and Tracking Packages
J&T Express Guide to Shipping and Tracking Packages
Theincrease in onlinetransactionsduring the lockdown hasled tothe Philippines growing its logistics marketeven afterthe pandemic.J&T Express, a newcompany in the field oflogistics,planstojoin the industryandchallengeJRS Express and LBC Express.
Theservice has alreadybeen praised in theboth social and traditionalmediaevenif it was launched inthe Philippinesonly in the year 2018.J&T Express is also aknown brand for onlinesellersandbuyers.You might have purchased fromShopeeoftenand received yourparcelsthrough this shipping service.
If you requirecourier services to deliveritems tocustomers or loved ones, J&T Express has gotthe shipping services you require covered.This guide willassist you in understanding j&t rates and the delivery processand other details aboutthe logistics service provider.
Whatexactly isJ&T Express?
J&T Express, an e-commerce express courierfirm, operatesinIndonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand. It wasfoundedinthe year 2015.Servingpredominantly small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)and online businesses, thisSoutheast Asian logistics provider gives online sellers theoption ofship packages using eitherJ&T Express boxes or their own packaging.
What is it?J&T Express Works
J&T Express is a logistics service provider. Itfunctions just likeany other courier service available inthe Philippines.Butwhat sets it apartfrom other deliveryfirmsisits wide rangeoffeatures that help ensuresafe, reliable andtimely deliveries.
J&T Express Delivery Features
- Nationwide coverage with over400 J&T Express branches and warehouses
- All-hours, all-the-day operation throughout the calendarthe year
- Four-Service Platforms for shippingand trackingof packages: J&T Express website, mobileapp and socialmedia [2], and 24/7customer service hotline(02)8911-1888
- Security packagepackages can bemonitored by CCTV24 hours a day,
- GPS tracking systemfor monitoringdelivery trucks
- Real-time tracking system
- VIP Platform (self-service platform thatlets online sellersmanage transactions, speed upJ&T Express delivery processes, andmuch more)
- The ClaimsSystem providesthe opportunity to claim compensation forpackages thatwere lostor damaged
J&T Express Shipping Process
There are twooptions to shipwithJ&T Express.Or, you can visitan office todrop off yourpackage orpick them up fromyour home.
HowToShipvia J&T Express Branch
- Fill outthe drop offrequest form onthe J&T Express Philippines website [3or 3orthe mobile app.
- Click the Orderbutton.
- Go to the closestJ&T Express branch.
- The barcodethat you received atdrop-off booking must be presented.
- Hand the packages over to theemployees.
- Pay the shipping costs.
Howto bookJ&T Express Pickup Service
To arrange for the collectionof yourpackage to pick up your package, you can book it throughthe J&T Express website, mobileapp, 24/7 customer servicehotline, or call thenumbers of branches in your area[44..J&T Express offers a free pickup service.
J&T Express Rates 2021
J&T Express Philippines charges shippingcharges based on the distance tothelocation and the weightof thepackage.You can computetheshipping cost foryourparticular delivery by usingthe calculatoravailable on theJ&T Express website. [55
You can refer to thesetableswhen you are shipping packages with less than 6kg.
j&t shipping rates Metro Manila
Priceof J&T Express Boxes
Ifyou’d prefer usingJ&T boxesto sendparcels,it is possible to purchasethese boxes separately from theshippingfees atany branch. jnt rates arebased upontheweight and sizeof the box.