What are the requirements for the SERP class? Get details below
Do you have the ambition of getting certification through the SERP class?

The SERP class is made up of 6 hours course module that is done at the pace of the student. At the end of the course, the experts will be well placed to handle all the issues that relate to the scope of coverage of this module. This course contributes 6 CEUs towards the following:
- Florida Fire Instructor I
- Florida Fire Instructor II
- Florida Fire Instructor III
- Florida Firesafety Inspector I
- Florida Fire Code Administrator certification renewal
This module is one of the pre-requisites that are required for the pre-certification class for Florida Fire Officer II certification. The duration of time taken to get certificated will be determined by the length of time each student can devote to the course of study each week. This is a simple course that students can easily pass because of the availability of materials online.
The module of this course is in line with the rules of JPRs as laid down by NFPA 1041 (2012). The purpose of the course is primarily to teach students about the Florida emergency response system. Students will be exposed to how the system works; the various components involved in it and the numerous benefits that are derivable through it.
Are you in any way interested in this course? It is important to let our readers know the course content. When you are aware of what the course covers, it will give an insight into the challenges that you are going to meet and needful preparations will be made to achieve expected results. The following areas are covered through the course:
There are components as well as processes that are required mutual aid in Florida in the fire fighting process in Florida. All the necessary components as well as the mutual aid will be well treated under the course of study. Students will be well informed at the end of the 6-hour course.
How can you run a post-fire incident analysis? The technical details that are involved in doing this will be run during the course. The objective is to ensure that the needed information required is noted and put to use in the unfortunate occurrence of future disasters.
Everything that is required in theory as well as in practice will be delivered to the students during the SERP class. In the end, each of the certified pros will be well-positioned to deal with emergencies that might come up under the areas mentioned in the course of study.
When you are through with this module; you are going to come out more enlightened with the procedures involved in fire fighting that was covered under the module. Here are the benefits of this course:
Ever certified expert will be in pole position to put the statewide emergency fire response of Florida into practice. You are going to be familiar with the procedures as well as the mechanism required to run the process.
Experts will be in the best position to implement mutual aid and its impact both within and outside Florida.
The experts will also know how to carry all the details that are required to execute a post-incident-analysis of any fire incident to find a way out to prevent future occurrences. This will be of help in developing strategies that will prevent future occurrences.
The SERP class is a 6 hrs intensive training that shows the students the technology needed to brace up to the challenges posed by fire incidents in Florida under the module of the course treated. The pros will be better informed in the handling of the process at the end of the course.