Have a look at these intriguing reuse ideas to make your everyday life easy!
While recycling is becoming increasingly popular, Americans still generate almost five pounds of waste per person per day. That’s a lot of garbage! In this article, you’ll come across various common household items you can reuse in ways you’d never known! Read on for some amazing reuse ideas. Below are ideas for repurposing household objects that you probably haven’t thought about!

Egg cartons
Used egg cartons are great for freezing individual portions of all sorts of things—cookie dough, meatballs, homemade herb-butter patties. For tasty treats, you can also use the cartons as a convenient Jell-O mould. They’re a great way to start seedlings for your garden, too. And if you have plenty, use the cartons to store golf balls or plan a change that is particularly handy for garage and bake sales.
There are an estimated 13 million tonnes of clothing in our country’s landfills. There’s still a stunning amount of donated clothing pieces coming up. Instead of tossing out old t-shirts, repurpose them. Cut the fabric into squares of the size of baby wipes to make reusable cleaning wipes and dryer sheets. You can also cut the sleeves and neck out of your shirt and cut stripes along the bottom hem and tie them together to make reusable shopping bags.
Nearly 2 billion disposable razors are dumped into our landfills every year without realizing their reuse ideas. Do your part to minimize this by increasing the shelf life of your razors. After each use, rinse your razor and make a fast blast with your hairdryer. Dry razors can remain sharp for longer and refrain from rusting; giving you up to twice as many shaves with each blade. Once your razor has reached its prime, use it to shave your sweater pills.
Shower curtains
If you’re upgrading the décor in your bathroom or you’ve got a shower curtain that’s seen better days, the old shower curtain still has a lot of use in it. Shower curtains are a perfect way to think beyond the box when it comes to ways to reuse household products. They can be used as tablecloths for picnic tables or as drop cloths for painting. In winter, skip scratching your windows by cutting the curtain down to size and putting it on the windshield overnight. Peel it off in the morning to immediately clear your windshield!
Cardboard Beverage
A cardboard carrier containing four or six-packs of your favourite soda can be used as a convenient condiment carrier for your next picnic or outing. Decorate or color with scrapbook paper and store in each slot your tomato sauce, mustard, utensils, napkins, etc.
Vegetable bags
Stuff those nylon mesh vegetable bags with natural fibers and cloth, such as cotton and wool, and hang from a tree to provide birds with large nesting materials. You may also include things such as strings, clothes, feathers, and animal hair to make reusable bags.
Tissue Box
Hundreds of clever ways to reuse a tissue box are open! When anyone in your home is ill, you know you’re going to need scattered tissues. Curb the mess (and sharing germs!) by tying the empty tissue box to the new one with a piece of twine or string. This makes it a simple place to dispose of the tissues used when they are used. There are countless choices for art, and they make great storage containers. Only cut the top off at the corners, wrap it in scrapbook paper and embellish it with a ribbon or string to make beautiful containers for office supplies, recipes, seasoning packets, and more.
Although we discourage using single-use goods, it may be appropriate to do so. Often prolong the life of these things to their limits and get as much out of them as possible. Many disposable goods may be used several times if they are properly cared for. When it comes to household products, their lifetime is limited only by our imagination. Look for innovative ways to reuse items for storage, gifting, and decoration.
So think hard before you dispose of any household item. You never know you could create trending reusable bags!