What will futuristic schools be like

The future holds a lot of possibilities in every aspect of life and the field of education is no different. We do not know what can happen and what not but can only predict it. With the consistent advancements in technology, the education sector is one of the main areas that sees a major impact.
When we look back, we can notice that the educational system has come a long way. Slowly and gradually the education pattern, as well as the mode of teaching, is changing. The traditional methodology is getting blended with the modern ways of teaching. The students are also adapting to such changes. One of the advancements that we have witnessed is the replacement of blackboards with smart classes. This only shows the change in the education system. Here are a few possibilities of what futuristic schools might be like.
Increase in Online Classes
Due to the pandemic, most of the schools have switched to the online method of teaching. This might continue in the future as well. Online classes have made studies easier for the students as they can learn from the comforts of their homes and the teachers also do not need to go to school. There could also be a change in the way in which parents and teachers communicate. The Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTMs) is also likely to go online; a few schools have already adapted to this change.
Change in Education Pattern
The number of Montessori schools is increasing. Undoubtedly, Montessori primary school is likely to replace the existing primary school model. This kind of education pattern is quite different from that of traditional schools. Once this kind of schooling replaces the existing model completely, primary school students can get a better understanding of the subjects rather than rote learning concepts.
Replacement of Books with Laptops
A lot of educationalists believe that this could be the next major change in the education system. This will make it convenient for the students and also for the teachers. It will be easy to share notes and use audio-visuals; this will also be a time-saving concept. There has been an increase in the use of technology in different sectors. The pandemic has already brought about this change to a certain extent in the education system, with online classes ruling the field. With this, students get acquainted with technology at a young age and this will eventually be helpful for them. There are also chances of replacing teachers with robots. This will ensure a better personalized education for all the students.
Change in Exam Pattern
The traditional education system places a lot of emphasis on writing exams and scoring well. There might be a change in this exam pattern. In future, the students are likely to get ranked based on other skills like creativity and project-based assignments that include case-study. This will decrease the pressure on students and they will be able to perform better. They will gain more knowledge from their surroundings and by learning from experience rather than theoretical book knowledge. Theoretical knowledge is of no use if you cannot use it in real life.
There is no guarantee regarding what the future of education might look like. These are some expert predictions based on the current situation. The future of schools depends upon how far we have reached and exploited the present technology. The cooperation of the government and other sectors also play a pivotal role in this expansion. The future is unpredictable but holds a lot of possibilities for the education sector. It can be for good or bad, but it entirely depends on us and how we perceive it.