The Fact About McLaren Falls That No One Is Suggesting
The Fact About McLaren Falls That No One Is Suggesting

The Bay of Plenty boasts some of NewZealand’s most beautifulsun, sandand sea.Tauranga is a hidden treasureonthecoast,isthe home ofMauao volcano.The beach, which isaffectionately called”the Mount” by localsprovides water sportsto those brave enough,eventsfor those whoare free-spiritedand delicious foodand drink forall foodies.
Here are the top inandaround Tauranga. Things to do in Tauranga areas.
Climb Mount Maunganui (Mauao) At Sunrise
Mount Maunganui is an extinct volcanothat sitsprettyin the harbor betweenTauranga.Mauao in Maoriis a Maori word that means”caughtatdawn”.Therefore, it’sappropriate to take in allithas tooffer during the day.There area variety of walking trailsavailable and it typicallytakesan hour to windthrough the pohutukawatrees.It’s a longclimb, but the reward whenyoureach itisa 360-degree viewof Tauranga Town Centreandthe Bay of Plenty coastline.Mount Maunganui Beach is just one of the moststunningbeaches in New Zealand, while Pilot Bay and Mount Maunganui Beach are bothnearby, creating a breathtakingpanorama from all angles.Beginyour daywith a peacefulsunrise, somake sure to packa breakfastpicnic.
Adventure Water Park – Get Splashed
{}McLaren FallsTauranga’s WaimarinoAction Parkwillgive youan adrenaline rush thatyouneed.Just 10 minutes awayfrom thecity’scenter and you’ll discovernumerousactivitiesset up acrossthe Wairoa River.There isplenty for everyone, fromrock climbing wallsandslip andslide.It’s impossible tomissthe Tarzanswing or water trampoline as well as the hugeinflatable ‘blobthatwill take you to the water.Waimarinoalsoofferseveningglowworm kayaktourstoLake McLaren, which arean enjoyable water sport.
Go Chasing Waterfalls
Every Kiwi summermustinclude ahiketoawaterfall.First off, hit upMcLaren Falls Park for aquick 20 minutes walk will takeyounavigatingthroughglow worm cavesas well as native forests.Theparkcovers 190acres. There area variety oftracks, so you canspend a lot oftime exploring.Kaiate FallsKaiate Falls, located 30 minutesaway fromTauranga, is nextto be on your list of things to do.Take the forest walktothesummit of the falls,andthen down alongsidethe cascadesuntilyouget totheswimming hole–cue an afternoonswim in the dreamy lake.
Youcan saila Catamaran to This UninhibitedIsland
Whakatane isjust a shortdriveaway from the coastline.It is thebeginning point foran unforgettabletriponacatamaran.Set sailtowardsMoutohora Island areserve for wildlife alongthe Bay of Plenty coastline.Ifyou’re lucky,youmight spotrare native wildlifelikeTuatara, Kakariki and fur seals.You can also go snorkelingaround the islandand foran opportunity to see thebeautifulmarine life.Relax on the hotwatersof the island, or relaxonthevessel. It’san experiencetocherish.
Participate inThe Dream Summer Festival
Is it possible tobeaKiwi withouthaving spentatleastone year at Bay Dreams.Theyare masters at puttingon ashow–theJanuary 2019sold-out gigsawthe headlinerCardi Bperformwithher hits, includingBodak Yellow, wowing anenthusiasticcrowd.Peking Duk was among theacts playingat the NewYear’s Festival2021.Bay Dreams, Tauranga’s summer destination,is packed witheverything yourequire: a stellar line-up,glitter anddenim as well ascamping andcamping.
ShopLocalAtThese Stores
Shopping in Tauranga isall about uncoveringhidden treasuresatindependent stores.Ifyou’ve got aneye forstyle and loveKiwi-made brands, you shouldvisitthe PaperPlane conceptstore.Here, you willdiscover a carefully selected selection offurniture, fashion and lifestyle items.Our Place offersvariousmoving pop-ups, rangingincluding jewellery, fashionand art,thatpermit for a variety ofthe possibility of spontaneity.Our Place Centre is builtout ofshipping containers.This centre was designedtoprovide low-cost retail spacesfor localentrepreneurs and artisans.Therefore, you arecertain to find uniquegems.
Picnic In Style On Mount Maunganui Beach
Are you looking to indulge in a bit ofluxury?Thebestmethodtoindulge inluxury is to havean informal picnic with a bohemian themeoverlookingMauaomountainsas well asthe ocean.Bay Picnicsare able tooffer teepees that havebig fluffy pillows, afghans,lighting,cozy throws,andBluetooth speakers.It’s the ideallocationtomarka birthday orspecial occasion, or simplyenjoy a casualevening.They also havethefoodsituationprepared, with food platters that featurelocal,organic,andfresh produceready.Forthose specialoccasions(read:dream engagement) You can alsoadd flowers toyour picnic.
Participate inthemarket
Taurangaserves up something specialin the form ofmarket days on weekends.Thefirst and thirdSaturdayofevery monthlook out forthe Little Big Marketsthat featureeclectic artisans and mouth-watering eats.There will beeverything you need to eat,from French crepes,rainbow-shaved iceto locally madegoodies.Foodiesshould notmissthe Dinner on the Domain. Thisweekly eventfeatures the bestfood trucksinthe city.There will bebubble waffles and giant paellasas well assweettreats.We’reswooning over the tastysnacksthat are offeredby Hello Rosie.Sheis also afanofvegan-friendly junk food.There’s also someincredible seasonal productsatthe Saturday Farmers Market.Itmakes any cheeseboardattractive.
Moturiki Island is Walkable
It is possible to walk aroundtheisland.Thesmall350-metre-longisland issituated nexttoMount Maunganui’s beach. Itis accessiblethrough a bridge for pedestrians.You’ll findan island blowholethat releases water duringhigh tide.Follow the path upwards, and you willbegreeted bothby the oceanandMauao.
UnwindInSalt Water Hot Pools
Ifrelaxing and unwindingis your main goal,then avisitto Mount Hot Pools isessential.It is renowned for its therapeutic properties taking a bathin thesepools of salt waterwiththe backdrop of Mount Maunganui will leave you feelinglike a new person.You can alsoreservean exclusive pool to gettherelaxing massage you’ve always wanted.
VisitThis Quaint Historic Village
Stepback in timeas youwalk along the cobbled streets ofThe Historic Village.There arenumerous hiddenplaces, charmingcafes, andtalentedartisanswho make it simpletoenjoy the rest ofyour day.You will also findsmall studios for art enthusiastssuch asTurner Gallery or Imprint Gallery.
Taste the delicious local food
Let’s face facts, weare all aboutthefood.Taurangaoffers a varietyoftasty drinks and snacksthat willmake you swoonallday.
Ground Zero Coffee is amust-visitforcoffee lovers.They’re the Bay ofPlenty’sfirstSpecialty Coffee microroastery and offerflat whites and iced coffee.If you’relooking forsomethingon the sweet side, you’d do welltostopbyYo and Co which is a dessert bar that specialisesinwaffles,sweet and savourycrepesandalsoone of Tauranga and The Mount’stopicecream shops.
Nourishedeatery is amust-visitforthose who are health-conscious andhave a sweet tooth.This plant-based cafefocuses onlocal, freshingredients.They areproud to be100%vegan andprovidedairy-free and gluten-free choices.Breakfast is a great option, and you canenjoy a tastyWellness Bowl stuffed with herby hash browns,smokytofu,tomato, sprouts, quinoaand coconuttzatziki.Speciality sweet treats such asNutella, custardanddouble chocolate browniesare availableatThe Nourishing Bakker.