The Bay of Plenty has some of New Zealand’sbestbeaches, sun and sand.Tauranga istucked awayalong the beautifulcoastline.It’swhere you can findthe Mauao volcanoand thedreamyMount Maunganui Beach.This seaside gem,often referred to as”the Mount” by localsoffers watersportsto those brave enough,festivalsfor those wholove to be free,and delicious foodand drink forall foodies.
Here are the bestactivitiesto doaroundTauranga. Things to do in Tauranga areas.
Climb Mount Maunganui (Mauao) At Sunrise
Mount Maunganui, an extinct volcano,is located justacrossthe harbour of Tauranga.Mauao isits Maori name, means”caughtatdawn”so it makes sensetotake advantage of all the beautyitoffers at dawn.There areseveral walking tracksthat are available, and it usuallytakesabout an hour to makeyour way upthrough the pohutukawatree.It’ssteepbut once youget tothe top,you willbegreeted by 360-degree viewsof Tauranga and the Bay of Plenty coastline.Mount Maunganui Beach & Pilot Bayare located on the mountain’s slopes. The views aretrulybreathtakingfromevery angle.Startyour daywith a peacefulsunrise, somake sure to packa breakfastpicnic.
Adventure Water Parks:BeSplendid
{}McLaren FallsTauranga’s WaimarinoAction Park in Taurangais sure toprovidethe adrenaline rushyouneed.It’sonly a 10-minute ridefrom the citycentretodiscover a myriad of activitiesthroughoutthe Wairoa.There issomething for everyone, includingclimbing walls for rock climbinganda slip’nslide.The Tarzan swing water trampoline, the Tarzan swing or the blob – a massiveinflatable thatlaunchesyou intothe wateris all there forthose who are brave enough.Waimarino alsooffersthe evening glowworm Kayak touronLake McLaren . It’s astranquilas itis .
Go Chasing Waterfalls
Atrektowaterfalls is an absolute mustineveryKiwi summer.For a start, gotoMcLaren Falls Park.Here, ashort 20-minutehike will leadyou throughglowworm caves andnativeforests.You’ll also find manytracks that pass throughthe190-hectare reserve.Be sure to takea few hoursexploring.The next stop isKaiate Falls. They areabout a 30-minute drivefrom Tauranga.Followthe forestwalking trackup to the top,then continue alongthe cascadesuntil youreachthe pool.It is possible to takean afternoondipinthis tranquil lagoon.
Sailing a catamaranto thisisle that is unrestricted
Whakatanecan be reached byaquick drive fromthecoastline. From there,you willtake off for an unforgettabledayonthecatamaran.Set sailtoMoutohora Island off the Bay of Plenty coast.It is possibletosee rare native animalslikeTuatara, Kakariki, fur seals, penguins,and Tuatara.You can alsogo snorkelingaroundthe island toobservethebeautifulmarine life.Finish your daybyrelaxing onthehot water on the island’s privatebeach orrelaxing ontheside of the boat–thisisa day in paradise.
The Dream Summer Festival
Are youtrulyaKiwi If you’ve notbeen to a summeratBay Dreams.They are mastersinputting onshows. CardiBperformed onstage in January2019 and wowed a raucousaudience with songslikeBodak Yellow.Sub Focus, Peking Duk, LAB and Katchafire were among theacts to playatthe New Year’sfestivalin 2021.Bay Dreams, Tauranga’s summer destination,is packed witheverything yourequire to enjoy a fantastic lineup withglitter andjeans,camping andcamping.
These Stores Have Local Stores
Shopping in Tauranga Tauranga shopping isall indiscovering hidden treasures inindependentshops.Those with a design eyeandlove forKiwi-made brands should stop byPaperPlaneConcept Storewhich offers a carefullycurated selectionoflifestyle, fashionandhousehold items.If you’re looking for something a little more spontaneous, stop byOur Place foran array oflocal pop-upsranging fromfashion to art and jewellery.Our Place centre is madefromshipping containers. Theintentionis toofferaffordable retail spaceto entrepreneurs and localartisans.
Picnic In Style On Mount Maunganui Beach
Do you wantto indulge insomeluxury?You canindulge inluxury by havingan outdoor picnic that is bohemianwith views of the ocean andMauao mountain.Perfect for a special occasion, birthday celebration or justa fun evening out, Bay Picnics willoutfit youwith teepees,largefluffy pillows,festivelights, cosythrowsandBluetooth speakers.The food is also coveredwithplates that featurelocal,fresh and organicproducts.It is possible toinclude flowers inyour picnic ifit’san occasion for romance, such asan engagement that you’ve always wanted to have.
Jointhe Markets
Weekend markets are somethingTauranga isknownfor.On thefirst and thirdSaturdayofevery monthcheck outthe Little Big Marketswhich feature a line-up ofdiverse artisans and delicious food items.Everythingfrom French crepes torainbow shaved-ice and local-madeproducts will be on sale.The Dinner at the Domain is aweeklygatheringfeaturing the bestfood trucks.Bubblewaffles, themost deliciousburgers, giant paellaand sweettreats.We are salivatingover thetempting treatsatHello Rosie.Thisvegan junk foodconnoisseurisan expert inveganfood.If you prefer todig into afreshpiece offruit,make sure to checkout the Saturdayfarmersmarket foramazing seasonal fruits that willenhance any cheese platter.
Moturiki Island: Walk to
You read correctly Youcan walkto that island.Thetiny350-metrelong islandis locatedadjacentto Mount Maunganui beach. Awalkwaybridge connectsit.A blowholereleases waterat high tide, whenyouwalk ontothe island.Take the walkupwards and you’ll be greetedwithvastviewsof the ocean,andMauao and thecity’scoastline.
Enjoy a relaxing timeinSalt Water Hot Pools
Ifunwinding and relaxingare your top prioritythen avisitto Mount Hot Pools isa must.Thetherapeuticadvantages of saltwaterpools locatedagainst Mount Maunganui, will make you feel like anewindividual.You canarrangea privatemassageas well as a pool to addanadditionallevelofluxurious.
VisitThis Quaint Historic Village
You cantake a step back in timebystrollingthroughthecobbled streets andhistoricvillage .It is easy to spend thetime here, thanks toitsmany hidden corners, charming cafes,andeclectic artisans.There are alsoplentyofsmall art studiostoexploreincludingTurner Gallery and Imprint Gallery which means that the art loverwill be well looked after.
Take advantage of the delicious local food
Foodis ourpassion.Lucky for us,Taurangahas a variety of deliciousdrinks and bitesthat willhave your droolingall day long.
Coffeeloversought toconsider makingGround Zero Coffeean annual stop.They are the Bay OfPlenty’sfirst Specialty Coffee Microroastery. Their coffeesincludeflat and icedwhites.Ifyou prefersomething sweet,thengo toYo and Co.They arean ice cream shop that specialisesinwaffles and savoury crepes.
The Nourishedeatingisa greatoption for those who are health conscious and havesweettooths.The cafeis a plant-basedone thatisdedicatedto usinglocal, freshproduce.The cafe also hasdairy-free and gluten-free options.For breakfast, you mightdevour a deliciousWellness Bowl stuffed with herby hash browns,spicytofu,tomatoes sprouts, quinoa,and coconuttzatziki.There are manysweet treatsavailable atThe Nourishing Bakeoffers includingfreshly bakeddoublechocolate brownies, Nutella,andcustard-filleddonuts.