Classic cars: the right care and preparation for winter

Historic vehicles require a lot of care and maintenance. An important reason for this is their age. This means that many measures are necessary to protect the car. This includes B. the preparation for the long-standing time in winter.
There are some costs associated with these measures. On average, classic car owners pay almost € 1,500 a year for the maintenance and sell any car uae.
But a well-maintained vehicle rewards the effort. Here you can find out how to properly care for your classic car. You can also read how your vehicle survives the winter unscathed.
Care and Maintenance
Maintain your classic car regularly, ll year-round to protect it from rust, mold, and other damage. With so-called “mothballing” in winter, additional measures are important.

Oil check and oil change
Compared to modern cars, classic cars usually only drive a few kilometers. That is why the oil in classic cars is not changed after a certain number of kilometers. Instead, change the engine oil at least twice a year. Also, check the current oil level regularly. So your vehicle stays in shape.
Which oil your classic car needs depends on its year of construction. Many older models have z. B. no oil filter. This is why these cars need a different engine oil than a vehicle from the 1970s, for example.
Maintain and protect paintwork
Impurities damage the paintwork of a classic car in the long term. However, with regular care, your classic car will shine at every event.
Start paint care by first washing your classic car thoroughly. Avoid washing facilities. These can also damage the paintwork of the vehicle. Instead, wash the car by hand. Water and a mild detergent are suitable for this. It is best to ask a specialist beforehand which agent is suitable for your vehicle type. Manufacturer or brand clubs are also happy to help you with questions about the care and maintenance of your vehicle. In addition to a special cleaning agent, also use a washing glove. This makes it easier for you to wash the vehicle by hand.
Dry off the vehicle after washing. Use a microfiber cloth for this.
Polish your classic car for a stronger shine. The paint becomes smoother and small scratches are removed. However, this makes the paint layer overall thinner. The car loses its original surface, also known as the patina.
Finally, protect the paintwork from further dirt. To do this, wear B. a wax on the surface of the classic car.
The care of the rims is also very important. You will find suitable rim cleaners in shops for vintage cars. You can also apply another product to protect the rims.
inner space
Cleaning the interior is an important part of classic car care. In the first step, vacuum the vehicle. This is how you can remove dust and other dirt. A lot of dirt often accumulates, especially over the winter.
Then clean the fabrics and surfaces in the interior. Use mild detergents for this as well. These hold z. B. Leather is soft and supple. Ask a professional which agent is suitable for the material in your car.
Clean the material with gentle pressure. Many fabrics tear quickly if you press too hard. Then it is often difficult to find a suitable replacement.
Seals and rubbers
With regular care, the rubbers and seals in the interior of the classic car remain soft and flexible. You should therefore grease them regularly. You can use various means for this. Frequently used products are, for example, petroleum jelly and deer tallow.
Rust protection
Rust is one of the greatest dangers for classic cars. You should therefore regularly check your classic car for rust. In this way, you can prevent the rust from spreading in good time.
As a rule, rust cannot be stopped completely, but it can be slowed down. You can choose between different means. Wear z. B. a grease to protect cavities in the vehicle. You can buy special greases for protection against rust in stores. Apply so-called underbody protection to the sub-floor. Spray or brush this agent on the underbody of your classic car. A workshop can also provide rust protection.
Preparing for winter: mothballing
Many classic cars are only driven in summer. In this case, prepare your classic car particularly well for winter. Start with this if you probably no longer drive your classic car this year.
Cleaning and care: First clean your classic car inside and out before wintering. Also, look for places where moisture can collect. Mold can form there. On a convertible, also clean the convertible top before winter. After that, you can waterproof it with an agent suitable for vintage cars. Also, look for cracks in the convertible top.
Filling up the oil and tank: change the oil in your classic car before winter. Also, fill up the tank of the classic car. So the spots stay rust-free.
Tires: increase the vehicle’s tire pressure before winter. Some classic car owners recommend jacking up the vehicle slightly. Make sure the tires keep touching the ground. So the tires stay full even after a long period.
Car battery: Remove your vehicle’s battery before winter. It is best to store them in a dry place. You can also connect the battery to a so-called trickle charger. This device keeps the battery charged over the winter.
Antifreeze: Fill in the radiator and windshield washer antifreeze one. How to protect your classic car from damage caused by frozen water.
Exhaust: Moisture often collects in the exhaust. This can cause rust. Many classic car owners, therefore, recommend closing the exhaust with a rag before winter.
Cover up: cover your classic car to protect it from dirt. Make sure, however, that air gets under the cover. This will keep it dry under the cover.The pitch: Choose a pitch that is dry and well ventilated. A constant temperature is also important. This will avoid moisture, which often leads to rust and mold. Rent a parking space for your classic car if your garage is not suitable. Many providers specialize in historic vehicles.