Structure and casual conversationswith colleagues that take place attheir workplaces.If you’re a fan oraren’t keen on it, working remotelyfor those who can manageit;it is not always easy to adaptto thiskind flexibility -it is a common occurrence for manypeople due tothespread of.
For those who arenot yet familiar with working from home there’s plenty of tipsout there about how toavoid the trapswhile remaining productive and sane(“Takebath!” “Don’t spend toomuch time on social media!”).
But from my own experience working from home couldbea real delightwhen you allowit.Therefore, I’d like to sharea few ideas for creatingone’s own routine and workspace thatcanmake working from homea joyful, sustaining experience.And who knows?You might not evenever want to return tothe office!
1.Take care of your body
In her bookProposalsfor the FeminineEconomy,Jenn Armbrust Städfirma i Göteborg offers a seriesofprinciples, the firstprinciple being”Youmust have an organ.”It sounds simple but being athome can make it easytoforget aboutthe basic needs of your body.When you worked at your office you likely haddesk chairs that were ergonomic oranadjustable workstation.If you’re not workingat home a lot or have a home office, your workspace may consistwith a table for the kitchen or athe basic chair.
It isn’t necessary to investin a complete home office setup be awaretothe way you feelduring your work hours athome. Onebenefit ofworkingat homeas opposed to being inan office space — isthe flexibility to change positionsfrequently.Explore a variety of poses, whether that’ssitting inthe chair, standing atyour kitchen counter, relaxingonthe couch, or sittingon a yogablockin the ground withyour coffee table foran office. It took mea while(andsome seriousshoulderpain)to figure outthat thebest place to dolengthy writing exercisesisto siton a backless bench atour dining tables.It is helpful to test different positions so thatyoudetermine your own physical comfort quicker.
Anotherimportant thing to consideristhe movement.You’re likely to be walkingthroughout anoffice workdaysuch as to workon the bus or trainorparking lot, in betweenmeetings,and then to the cafefor more coffee –These breaks from movement fadewhen everything you needis withina couple ofroomsin your house. When I firstbeganworkingat home, Iwas surprised to find thatIoften did lessthan1000 steps perday!
Theflexibility of home-based workallowsyou can largely move whenyou’d like.Try setting a clock forexercising or a yoga classto break upan extendedemailconversation.When I waswriting my bookJoyful I made impromptubreaks to dance whenever I wasstuck onan article that cleared my mindbut would’ve been hardtomanage in the office. I alsobegan takingan extended walk inthe parkat the end of eachday. Intheseason of summer I would printoutthemost current draft and takethe draft with me. I’d then liein the shade while writingthe page. Inthewinter, I’d draw itin the kitchen, on the island,after cominghome.
2.Make the most of your commute
What was the length ofyourregular commute prior to the epidemic? For manypeople, it can range between30 minutes to2hour(or more), round trip everyday.It’s also a lot. Even at thelow end of 30 minutes, the thirty minutesper day adds up totwo and aquarter hourshave now been gaining perweek!
It’s all about being deliberateabout how you utilize thattime.Put it on your calendarhowever it doesn’t needtobe scheduled at the sametime that you commutethe same way you would schedulethe time for a meeting.
You can also block thetime away for your own, unstructured time, somethingmost adults don’t getenough of.Be sure tolay down your tools onceyou hear the alert on your calendarandleave yourself enough time tohave fun.
3. Createan immersive landscape
With Flyttstädning i Göteborgdull colors, synthetic carpets and hummingHVAC systems,workplaces have a joylesssensory environment.Combine that with the hum ofopen-plan seating, as well as thefact that many spacesare often too cold orhot, andthe averageoffice can be a nightmaretobe in for long periods of time but it isn’t easy to focus on gettingon work.
While many of ussee the problem as overstimulation office spacesare just as likely tobe understimulating.Workspaces have historically been designedwith the ideathatin order to boost productivity, youmust minimize distractions,creating bland, boringenvironments.Research showsthat whenworkers in these”lean”spacesare compared with those workingin “enriched”spaces withplants, art,and other sensory stimulation and the people working inenriched spaces are 15 percentmore productive.In addition, if workershave the control over the positioningoftheir work space? They’re32percentmore productive.
When you workfrom home, you’llbe just like thosein theclassroomwho managed their work spacecreatingthe sensory space that worksfor you.Part of this may meaneliminating unpleasant sensations byusing noise-cancelling headsets to blockout distracting noises or adjustingthe temperature so that it’scomfortable for you.
Additionally, considerways toinject some pleasant vibeswithin your workspace.Place an image on your wall thatoffers your eyes something tobe a part of while you gazeaway from your laptop. Play nature sounds.Select a brightly colored mugto enjoy your morning cup ofcoffee.
Thesenses of smell and touchareunder-appreciatedduring the time we’re tappingaway at a keyboardtherefore look for waystoengage them. Forinstance, I cover the benchI’m sitting on while writingwith a sheepskin. Ithas a distinctively unoffice-liketexture. I keepthe essential oils in a bottleon my desk. Ioccasionally I make use of a diffuser in order tofragrance the air.
4.Get some sunshine
One poorly designed aspect ofthe majority of traditional office spaces is howfew daylight sources are availablein workplaces.For many workers, theonly light during the dayis from the dim light bulbsover their heads.Research has proven that peoplewho spend more time insunlight are more relaxed(up45 minutes morepernight) they areless stressed, and aremore activethroughoutthedays.The light of day regulates the production of key hormones as well asneurotransmitters. They affectanything from your alertness,stress levels, our immune system toour moods.
If you’re at home, youcan have greater control over whereyou’d like to work Therefore, if it is possible,consider a spot nearthe windows.Ifthere isn’t muchnatural light in your home Make use of lamps to increasetheluminosity.As much aslighting from blue screenscankeep us awakeat night, getting adose of bright artificiallight throughout the day canalso aid in keeping our 24 hourinternal kontorsstadning i Göteborg clock in sync.
Additionally, whenyouused to walkto work, you likelygot at least a littlesun on the way to work and you’ll miss itin the event that you now jump rightinto work early.Light is the biggest influenceover our daily rhythmsearly inthemorning. So, trytogo foran hourbefore you sit down.
5. Green yourwork space
One of the easiest things you can doto make your workplacemore joyful is to addgreenery.Plants that may strugglein the dim lightsof a desk canthrivein your home, andyou gain the extra benefitthat you can enjoy themwhen you’re off workingwell.It’s not necessary to havethe same number of plants asSummer Rayne Oakes does in herliving space and even just addingsome plants has been proventoreduce stress and restorethe ability to focus.
6.Createan”geton with the job” playlist
One of the challenges I’ve encountered whileliving at home can bethe need to make transitions.It’s hardtotake a break from all thoseroutine tasks(emptying the dishwasher and folding laundry.)and get back to work when there’s workyou’re avoiding.Some writersmake fun of the fact that their homes arenever cleaner than when they’rewriting a book.
One thing that is helpful ishaving aroutine that helps tochange into a productive session. I havea couple of”GetSet toWork” playliststhat aid withthis: onefor writing or email, and one that is for writing.The playlists always startwith the exact same song which is why it’sthe sound of a trigger to getme toconcentrate.
Other ideas for transitions includepouring a fresh cup ofcoffee or tea. You could also try doingan exercise routineor settingthe timer to focus(Iutilizean app calledTideprogramon myphone).
7.Create a unique snack time
Most guides for working from homeadvise you to takea real lunch, butmy experience is that, whenin flow, I muchpreferto eatfrom my workstation.This doesn’t mean however thatI’m not in favor oftaking breaks though.As I mentioned above one of the main benefitsofbreaks for me areto be active andinclude movement into my routine.
I alsoenjoy a nicesnack break.The way we think about snacks isas fuel however, for methey’re more of a pleasure.In addition, as writerGretchen Rubin has pointed out, treats can help makeus feel cared for to feel motivated, motivated, and happy.Being able to cook in your ownkitchen can mean you don’tneed to usethe processed food items that make upthe typical office snack ortoeat it straight froma bag.
I’ma fanof cuttingup fruitsandarranging it onwheels around my plate, or making little samplerplatesout of my fridge full ofolives, picklesand othernibbles. Ican also make energy bars orbanana bread. I also freeze someso that I can enjoy itto enjoy a treat during the week.You’re your own personal office managernow, so think aboutwhat could make youfeelcomfortable and providespaces for it withinyour day-to-dayroutine.